Abbott Project Management Playbook
6.7 FEP F EASIBILITY P HASE DEFINITION: What is the Feasibility Phase? The Feasibility Phase focuses on business planning and the evaluation of business alternatives for the proposed investment.
1. Describe status quo.
a. Existing facilities, operations, locations. b. Facility utilization studies. c. Facility & utilities assessment due diligence.
2. Describe the division’s objective. 3. Provide a description of the proposed project concepts that are being considered as part of the feasibility study. a. Describe alternatives considered (repurpose existing facility, expansion, new locations, relocations, etc.). d. Compare assumptions with other operations (line and aisle space, cost per line etc.). e. Include prototype (block) layouts of facility by function including all support functions (for basis of estimation of cost and timeline). 4. Technical Feasibility a. Assess the technical resources available for the project, whether the identified technical expertise can complete the project. b. Evaluate the hardware and software requirements of the proposed system. This assessment should explain any considerations the organization must make with regards to technology. 5. Economic Feasibility a. For each alternative considered: i. Provide rough order of magnitude cost estimate (historical, unit price). ii. Provide cash flow on timeline. b. Assess the viability, cost, and benefits associated with the project alternatives. c. Evaluate & quantify positive economic benefits to the organization that the project will provide. 6. Legal Feasibility a. Investigate legal requirements for all aspects of the proposed project – local, state, federal building codes, zoning, environmental, etc. 7. Operational Feasibility b. Outline manufacturing process. c. List room areas and classifications.
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