Abbott Project Management Playbook


DEFINITION: What is Project Execution Plan? A project execution plan (PEP) is a roadmap of how the project will be executed with a sub-plan (subsidiary management plan) for each of the 10 knowledge areas of project management, according to PMBOK definitions (see Section 10). The PEP is an outcome of the planning phase and should be approved by the project sponsor and any key stakeholders prior to execution. It is an active document that can, and should, be revised throughout the project, as needed. 8.1 P ROJECT E XECUTION G UIDELINE DEFINITION: What is The Project Execution Guideline? The Project Execution Guideline (PEG) provides guidance globally to Abbott Project Managers and capital project team members for successful Project Execution.

The Guideline provides recommendations, descriptions, resources, and a framework for major activities that occur during the execution phase of the project. The elements and planned use of the PEG should be introduced during FEP, although most of the actual project activities contained in the PEG will take place during Execution.

Expectations & Outlook

• PEG has been shaped and embraced by the entire Abbott Engineering Community, and the belief is ALL will benefit from it! • PEG adoption and implementation is essential and expected at Abbott, to achieve exceptional project performance and improved project outcomes


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