Abbott Project Management Playbook


6.1 P ROJECT P LANNING O PTIONS There are multiple approaches to planning projects at Abbott. Processes and templates have been defined for: • Front End Planning (FEP) – typically used for Engineering and Facilities projects • Phase 0 – typically used for larger and/or complex Information Technology (IT) projects • RAPID – typically used for less complex IT projects 6.2 F RONT E ND P LANNING (FEP) Front End Planning (FEP) is the systematic and disciplined approach to the early definition of a project’s business and technical requirements. It is the process used to develop sufficient strategic information for a project which addresses risks and assists in quantifying and committing appropriate levels of resources to maximize the possibility of a successful project. Abbott’s project lifecycle management is consistent with industry. The focus is a structured process & tools for large capital projects (i.e., > $2.5 MM Capital or > $5.0 MM FUI (Facilities, Utilities, Infrastructure)). See section 5.2 to learn more about FEP Elements / Process / Details.

6.3 P HASE 0 Phase 0 follows a defined stage-gate review and approval process, typically devoting more time to solution assessments and preliminary planning activities to facilitate development of accurate (+/- 10%) estimates for larger projects. Phase 0 was developed based on Corporate Engineering’s FEP approach but tailored and intended for IT projects. Click to learn more about Phase 0 Elements / Process / Details.


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