Abbott Project Management Playbook
All the info obtained can be compressed in a matrix and should be saved in the Stakeholder Management Plan as part of the project scope. Some highlights are: • Name • Interest on the project • Expectations/requisites on the project
• Level of power over the activities throughout the project • Level of influence over the activities throughout the project • Necessary engagement for project development • Skills which could be useful
• Responsibilities over the project • Risks related to this stakeholder • Communication method effective • Formal acceptance
After all the stakeholders’ information is collected, an analytical technique that classifies them is recommended. This classification can be included in the stakeholder register. They are usually classified in five types: • Unaware: No knowledge and no impact over the project
• Resistant: Aware of the project and its impact, but resistant to changes • Neutral: Aware of the project but does not provide support or resistance • Supportive: Aware of the project and its impact and provides support to changes
• Leading: Aware of the project and its impact and works with engagement for project success Some of these stakeholders may have the power either to block that work or to advance the project. Some may be interested in what you are doing, while others may not care, so the Project Manager needs to determine priorities. The power/interest grid maps out your stakeholders and classifies them according to their power over your work and their interest in it.
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